Oh boy am I here to talk about Leverage! And Leverage: Redemption!!!! Devon! I did not know “competence-porn procedurals” was also my preferred genre!! We have talked about Person of Interest before, and I'm trying to think about which other shows I consider in this category, iZombie? I am increasingly excited about the existence of procedurals that are not Copaganda, and I would like to expand the list.

We started watching Leverage because it was filmed in Portland, Or but supposed to be Boston. An amusing combination for me because I was living in Boston at the time (and eventually the team "moved their operations" to Portland which I imagine made the show slightly cheaper to produce and / was like an homage to a place they all liked working!

I have just re-watched the first Season of Redemption and am working through the second and it gets more radical! The show is much improved without Nate Ford (played by Timothy Hutton) and with Harry Wilson (Noah Wyle).

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